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Starting February 5th

I have 20 spaces available for aspiring deal sourcers that are serious about
changing their life and making great money.

I’ve created a bespoke package in order for you to accelerate your sourcing
capabilities and become the best sourcing agent you can be, with direct help
from me over the 6 week in depth course, I will be covering these key topics:

Session 1: Finding Deals

Session 2: Breakdown Of A Deal

Session 3: Do’s and Don’ts When Viewing A Property *including live case

Session 4: Communication

Session 5: How To Successfully Secure A Deal

Session 6: How To Sell A Deal

Bonus Session: Marketing & Branding

This course will be carried out remotely via live stream and will be
exceptionally interactive, with session 3 being an in person site visit to one
of my personal active development sites.

All recordings will be made available to my mentees via a private section on
my app for the duration of the course.

Price £5000

I look forward to changing some lives!